For the 10th anniversary of Thiais' SPS equipment and as part of the expansion of this platform, a two-days worshop on SPS will take place on October 5th and 6th 2017. This workshop is organized by ICMPE and LSPM laboratories - working with all the laboratories of the platform, with CIRIMAT laboratory and with the High Pressure Technology Network.It is labelled - SPS 2017 - Journées Nationales sur le Frittage par Courant Pulsé.
This workshop will be held in Villetaneuse, in the Paris 13 University's premises. The conference venue is the Institut Galilée, 99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément, Villetaneuse. Registration, scientific sessions, poster sessions, coffee breaks and lunch will take place in this area. On Friday, the inauguration of the HIP-Gleeble platform of the LSPM will close the conference on a friendly moment.
The official language is French.
Welcome on our website to visit!
Conference Topics
To gather scientists working on spark plasma sintering. To facilitate discussions amongst its members. To allow exchanges between teams confirmed in the field and teams having recently acquired a SPS.
To achieve a state of the art on the various research topics on SPS, following two directions :
Fundamental knowledges on SPS technique.
Focus on the materials and their properties: link between sintering parameters, microstructures and properties.
To propose a special time to structure the French community working on the SPS. To ensure a regular meeting of the SPS community.
To open to other sintering techniques (new HIP in Villetaneuse). To discuss on pro and cons of the different techniques.
"Price of the best student poster and price of the best micrograph for SPS 2017 Conference"